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What is polymer cable bridge?

The cable tray is composed of the straight-line section, bend, accessory, support and hanger of tray and ladder, which is used to support the cable with a continuous rigid structure system.

Cable bridge is a cable laying device that makes the laying of wires, cables and pipes reach standardization, serialization and generalization.

Polymer materials are more and more widely used in the mechanical industry. "Plastic instead of steel" and "plastic instead of iron" have become the focus of material science research. This kind of research broadens the range of material selection, and makes the mechanical products change from the traditional safe and heavy, high consumption to the safe, light, durable and economic. For example, polyurethane elastomer, polyurethane elastomer wear resistance is particularly prominent. Polymer is mainly used as insulating, shielding, conducting and magnetic conducting materials in the electrical and electronic industry.

Polymer cable bridge is divided into trough type, tray type and ladder type. The whole bridge composed of bracket, bracket and installation accessories can be erected independently, or attached to various buildings (structures) and pipe gallery bracket, reflecting the characteristics of simple structure, beautiful shape, flexible configuration and convenient maintenance. All parts need to be galvanized and installed in the outdoor bridge outside the building, If it is near the sea or belongs to the corrosion area, the material must have the physical characteristics of corrosion resistance, moisture resistance, good adhesion and high impact strength.

Polymer cable tray is a new type of cable tray with corrosion resistance, long service life, low energy consumption, environmental protection and complete functions.

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